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Need to expand your storage, but have limited space available? Store your things outside in a Lifetime Outdoor Storage Shed. The dual-wall high-density polyethylene panels and lockable doors makes the shed strong, durable, and secure. In addition, it features custom shelving, allowing you to arrange your tools and belongings however you need them.
Its UV-protected construction means this Storage Shed is resistant to fading in the sun, as well as a weather-resistant design help keep your valuables safe; this product from Lifetime is maintenance free, so an ideal choice for those with busy lives.
Complete with a high-pitched roof, this storage shed allows for quick and easy drainage of rain and snow, ensuring a fast drying and damage-free space. On top of this, the lockable heavy-duty steel-reinforced doors are sure to keep prying eyes away from your belongings.
With a 5-year manufacturer's warranty, it's an ideal, fuss-free choice.
Please Note: Sizes are approximate only. For specific details, please consult our sales team.
Imperial Size (ft) | 8 x 20 |
People Req'd To Build | 0 |
Floor Material | Plastic |
Door Style | Double Door |
Building Type | Storage Sheds |
Metric Size (Meters) | 2.5 x 6.1 |
Material | Plastic |
Imperial | Metric | |
Width | 96.9 in | 2.46 m |
Depth | 240.0 in | 6.1 m |
Internal Width | 96.0 in | 2.44 m |
Dropship Delivery
This product is shipped directly from the manufacturer using their own logistics and delivery service. Once your order has been processed, the manufacturer will contact you directly to provide delivery updates, including estimated timeframes and any relevant tracking details.
As this delivery is managed by the manufacturer, their schedules and processes may differ from our standard delivery services. If you have any questions regarding your delivery, we recommend waiting for the manufacturer’s confirmation, as they will be best placed to provide accurate information.
Should you require any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our team, and we’ll be happy to help where possible.
Finance is a great way to spread the cost of your garden building purchase. To make it as easy as possible, we've teamed up with partners, Novuna and Klarna.
Novuna is available on orders over £500. If you pay within 12 months, you can benefit from 0% interest. On purchases over £3000, you can enjoy a whopping 24 months of interest free credit (depending on acceptance).
Klarna offers several options, such as ‘Pay in 30 Days’ and ‘Split in Three’, both of which are also 0%. So, what are you waiting for?
About Waltons
Here at Waltons, we've been handcrafting garden buildings since 1878. Starting from humble beginnings, we started life manufacturing bee hives and then quickly expanded to a whole range of garden buildings to suit a whole range of needs. In the almost 150 years we've been making beautiful structures out of wood, we've certainly learnt a thing or two! So, you can trust us to bring all your garden dreams to life.
What do our Customers Say?
Having been awarded a Gold Trusted Service Award from review site, Feefo, you can be confident in choosing us for your garden building. With expert pre-sales help and knowledgeable after care and support, our accolades speak for themselves. Join the thousands of others who have trusted us to create and deliver a garden building of their dreams.
Sustainable Timber
All of our wooden garden buildings are made using only ethically sourced and certified timber and are all made here in the UK by our highly skilled team.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I choose a delivery slot?
We will contact you on the morning of your confirmed delivery date by email and/or SMS with a 2-hour delivery time slot. We aim to meet these delivery times but during busy periods, deliveries may take a little longer, however we always work hard to keep delays to a minimum.
What access is needed for my delivery?
Our drivers are only contracted to provide kerbside drop offs and deliveries. They will NOT bring any of our orders through your home. A driver may offer to take an order further; for instance a back garden but this is ONLY at their own discretion. If you have added our installation service to your order please be aware that they will require full access to your garden. Our installation team will not bring a building through your home as they are not covered by insurance to enter a customer's home. If you have any questions about access or you live in a restricted access zone please contact our sales team on 0800 029 1000. Our team will be able to provide you with more information and specific building information.
Will I need to help my delivery driver?
Our drivers DO NOT need your help during a delivery. They will not ask for your help and they can manage all the items themselves. We are not insured to cover any customer injuries and therefore we ask you NOT to help or try and help our drivers while they make a delivery.
Can't find the answer you are looking for? Checkout our full Frequently Asked Questions OR ask us a question