With tales of her garden restoration, Jessica at Rusty Duck has taken first prize in the gardening blog category. Check out her battle with the berberis, and find out who won (clue: it's the one with the secateurs).
Ethnobotanist Emma Cooper takes first place with her blog about her unusual growing exploits. She has a regular podcast , and writes on her blog on topics from permaculture to aphrodisiacs.
Dig my veg... preserve my veg... Image: digmyveg.com
Our runner-up here is Judy Bown's kitchen garden blog. She posts regular updates on growing her food as well as delicious recipes in her 'eat my veg' section.
In second place, urban beekeeper Thomas Bickerdike's blog is an account of his learnings after eight years of beekeeping. He still humbly describes himself as a beginner. His tribute to a four-year-old queen is testament to his love of the craft.
Michelle grows indoors as well as out, as her basket of fire proves! Image: vegplotting.com
Popular blogger Michelle Chapman takes first place in the allotment category. Her regular growing and garden visit blog posts inform the mind and entertain the eyes.
Sue Garrett's Green Lane Allotments blog is second, with her detailed accounts of activities on her plot. She's also got some fantastic pictures of the flowers she grows.
First place smallholding blogger Tracy Chadfield's family are on a true adventure. Pigs, ducks and chickens, as well as a range of horticultural delights populate the record of her family's cultivation escapades.
In second place, the 'Smallest Smallholding' follows the trials and tribulations of a would-be vegan smallholder. Lucy's online journal documents the progress of her suburban patch as it progresses through the seasons.
Blogger Andrew O'Brien says he has a 'too-loud laugh'. Here's hoping he has a happy laugh now; his flower and cultivation blog posts have earned him first place!
A den in the woods is a great way to get kids to play outside Image: kidsinthegarden.co.uk
First-place outdoor kids' blogger, Lynda Appuhamy, is dedicated to finding ways to get children playing outside, and her winning blog is packed with growing ideas and garden activites for youngsters!
Runner up here is Dawn Isaac's 'Little Green Fingers'. Indoor and outdoor gardening tips for children, as well as crafty ideas using items for the garden make hers a popular blog.
The original Shedworking garden office Image: Shedworking
Alex Johnson takes creative and shed worker first place with his incredibly useful Shedworking blog. A former Shed of the Year judge, Alex's blog is filled with tips for shed workers and people wanting to create fantastic, usable garden spaces.
Experiments in ice resin jewellery yield great results Image: Cinnamon Jewellery
Coming in second is jeweller Tracy Smith's blog. Working in her shed, Tracy creates amazing jewellery, often sharing her making methods and processes. Her new kitten, Pixie also makes an appearance!
Recycler, Vicky Myers, takes first place in this category. She shares great ideas about making toys, clothes and crafts from found and leftover objects. Her detailed instructions mean you'll find it easy to undertake these projects yourself.
This sweater stool is just one of the upcycling projects you can learn Image: Upcycle That
The Upcyle That team were voted in second place. Sharing their own upcycling ideas along with amazing recycled objects from around the world, they've built up a wealth of tips on re-using everyday articles that we normally throw away.
Congratulations to all of our winning bloggers - and a big thanks to those who took part but didn't win this year.
Keep an eye out for updates from all of these bloggers - they all make a winning read!